Weekend Madrasah
Kids Program Ages 7 to 12
- Allah is One, the Creator, the Giver of Life & All-Hearing
- Iman- The Faith of A Muslim
- The Messengers of Allah
- The Angels
- The Books of Allah
- Five Pillars of Islam
- The Five Pillars of Islam
- Al-Masjid
- Al-Adhan
- How Do I Perform Wudhu?
- The Five Daily Prayers
- Some Surahs of the Qur’an
- Dhikr and Du’aa
- Zakah : the Purifying Dues
- Fasting in the Month of Ramadhan
- The Pilgrimage
- Pure Water
- Using the right hand
- Etiquette of Using the Toilet
- Etiquette of Eating and Drinking
- Etiquette of Going out
- Etiquette of Sleeping
- Kindness to Parents
- Everyday Courtesies
- General Manners
- Telling Lies
- Truthfulness
- Stealing
- Etiquette of Talking
- Early lives of Prophet ﷺ
- The Prophet’s ﷺ kindness
- Khadijah Binti Khuwaylid
- Prophet Ibrahim ﷺ
- Prophet Ishaq ﷺ
Tweens Program Ages 10 to 12
- There is Only one God-Allah
- Allah Has Knowledge of All Things
- Ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem
Surah From Quran
- Surah Al-Faatihah
- Surah An-Nasr
- Surah Al-Kawthar
- Surah Al-Asr
- Surah Al-lkhlaas
- Surah Al-Falaq
- Surat An-Naas
- Surah Al-Masad
- Surah Al-Feel
- Zakah- the Purifying Dues
- Reward and Punishment
- The Fast of Ramadan
- Eidul Fitri
- Eidul Adha
- Halal & haram food & drinks
- The Greeting of Islam
- Tahaarah-Ritual Purity
- Conditions of Salah
- The Pillars of Salah
- The Obligatory & Sunnan Acts of Salah
- Remenbrance of Allah after Salah
- Live of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
- Zaid Bin Haarithah
- Fatimah Binte Muhammad
- Umm Ayman
Youth Program Ages 13 to 18
- Allah ‘s greatness and power
- Attributes of Allah
- Keeping Promises
- Playing Fair
- Patience
- Gheebah (Backbiting)
- Surah An Naba’
- Surah An Naaziaat
- Surah Abasa
- Surah Al Inshiqaaq
- Surah At Takweer
- Surah Al Ma’oon
- Surah Mutaffifeen
- Surah Al Burooj
- Surah At Taariq
- Prophet Muhammad
- Prophet Yusuf
- A’isyah Binte Abu Bakar As Siddiq
- Zainab Binte Rasulullah
- Ruqayyah Binte Rasulullah
- The Two Eid Prayers
- Du’a
- At Tayammum
- Al Qasr
- Solat Jumaat
- Islam and the World of Sciences